Radio Guest

Radio Guest

Hello fellow gardeners.  I hope this finds you and your plants surviving this time of year in the desert southwest!  It’s hard to believe that August is here and it is time to think about your fall gardening.  We are fortunate that we can harvest another crop of...

Featured Urban Farmer

Hello Fellow Gardeners. I was interviewed as the “featured urban farmer” by Greg Peterson from The Urban Farm. Please follow the link below to see the article and hear the podcast. Featured Farmer: Diane from Nickle Family Urban Farm


It’s not too late to get your spring/summer veggie garden planted, new perennials, really just about anything! Don’t hesitate call me today to make sure all your plantings survive the upcoming summer!


FREE gardening class with Garden Guru, Diane Nickle. Saturday February 21st 1- 2 pm 1237 W 10th Place Tempe, AZ Your neighborhood gardener wants to teach you to plant and grow things in your yard. We will talk about veggies and ornamentals, and what to plant to feed...


It’s hard to believe another new year is upon us! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I have been gardening the past few days, planting more broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage seed. I also planted some tomato seeds, preparing for a spring garden. The...